Welcome to the Taconic Hiking Club in the Albany, NY Capital District/Berkshires
Taconic Hiking Club members welcome applicants interested in nature study, hiking, backpacking, camping, cycling, canoe/kayaking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, trail maintenance and Tanglewood. Activities are listed in our newsletter and generally take place in, but are not limited to, the area surrounding Capital District. Contact:THC, 30 Upper Flat Rock Road, Delmar NY 12054-5228. Annual dues are $10. To view the current THC BLOG pages, search: http://taconichikingclub.blogspot.com/
Friday, December 15, 2006
Jackets and sweaters, Stockings and boots
Snug hats and mittens, Warm woolen suits
All bundled up and ready to go
Out of the house to play in the snow
Although I feel clumsy in all of these clothes
I am so happy whenever it snows !
Sunday December 3 Appalachian Trail, Pittsfield & Lee MA
We will hike section 6 of the A/T, from south of Pittsfied to Jacobs
Ladder in East
CONTACT: Phil Fountain 371-8585 or pfounta1@nycap.rr.com
LENGTH: 9.4 miles, ascent of 900.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 150 miles round-trip
Saturday December 9 Water Tank Trail, Grafton , NY
Start working on your patch for hiking all the trails in the Grafton Lakes State Park We will walk around Long Pond and then to the Water Tank to complete 2 of the many trails. A very easy walk through a beautiful wooded area. If we are lucky and there is snow, this will be a snowshoe. Must call Gayle for time and meeting place.
CONTACT: Gayle Fountain 371-8585 or pfounta1@nycap.rr.com
LENGTH: Approximately 3.5 miles round-trip, minimal ascent.
ROAD DISTANCE: Contact Gayle.
Sunday December 10 Pittsfield State Forest , MA
There are many trails between
Road to explore and at least one good vista. Leave Menands at 8:30 a.m.
CONTACT: Dale Blanchet 273-4262
LENGTH: 5 to 7 miles, ascent of 1000 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: 60 miles round-trip.
Sunday December 17 White Rock & Snow Hole, Petersburg , NY
This may be a snowshoe hike so be prepared. Most of the ascent is at the
beginning of the hike from Route 7 to the kiosk. Please contact Margaret for
time and meeting place.
CONTACT: Margaret Parks 785-8267 or Margaret.parks@thruway.state.ny.us
LENGTH: 5.5 miles round-trip and takes 3 hours, ascent of 600 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: Contact Margaret.
Tuesday December 19 X-C ski, Lee, MA
Easy hike or ski on this new trail on Berkshire Land Conservancy property.
Meet at
meeting time.
CONTACT: Susan Roberts 766-4170
Marty Connor 477-5824 or martvcon@aol.com
LENGTH: Various trails to be decided by the group.
ROAD DISTANCE: Call either Susan or Marty.
Saturday December 23 North Dome Mt., Lexington , NY
North Dome Mt. is part of the West Kill-North Dome Wilderness area. This will
be a strenuous bushwhack. Full winter gear with snowshoes and crampons are
required. Headlamp with spare batteries also. Meet at
ride in Delmar, call for time.
CONTACT: Dick Hughes 371-8585 or rhughes913@nycap.rr.com
LENGTH: 4 miles roundtrip, rise of 1850 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: 100 miles round-trip.
Saturday December 30 West Kill Mountain, West Kill, NY
A stiff climb to the sixth highest peak in the Catskills. You are rewarded with
splendid views in all directions from two fine lookouts near the summit. Meet
at the
CONTACT: Judy Brandow 482-4610 or hwesterh@nycap.rr.com
LENGTH: 5.6 miles, ascent of 1700 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 110 miles round-trip.
Monday January First at Kathy Wolfe’s Home, Albany, NY
We will X-C ski or hike leaving from Kathy’s house at noon. We will pick a place to be chosen to by the weather conditions. After playing outdoors we will return to Kathy’s home to feast on the pot luck dishes supplied by everyone. Please call Kathy before December 26 to coordinate your homemade treats.
CONTACT: Kathy Wolfe at 482-0424 or 447-7569 or 01a926@dfa.state.ny.us
Sunday January 7 Sugarloaf and Plateau Mts. , Hunter, NY
This loop over
Catskills. Intricate stonework in quarries, great views, cliffs and rock ledges
make this hike a truly spectacular experience, especially in the winter. Going
Delmar, please contact Judy for the time. We will need to spot cars.
CONTACT: Judy Brandow 482-4610 or hwesterh@nycap.rr.com
LENGTH: About 7 miles as a thru hike with 3200 feet of ascent
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 100 miles Round-trip.
Wednesday January 10 TCT,
This will be a hike or snowshoe on the Taconic Crest Trail between
Pass and Southeast Hollow Junction. We will need to spot cars to make this an
easier trip. Dress warm in layers as we will have lunch on top of
Plan to meet at 7:00 am at the Route 4 & 43 P & R in
CONTACT: Phil Fountain 371-8585 or pfounta1@nycap.rr.com
LENGTH: 6 miles with ascent of about 1200 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: About 75 miles with car spot.
Saturday and Sunday January 13 and 14, 2007
Ladies’ Weekend In A Log Cabin,
Depending on the snow cover, we can cross country ski, snowshoe or hike. This is in the general area of Partridge Run and Rensselaerville
about the absent men and eat exotic foods. The cabin has beds for 7 or
8 people; there is a very nice loft where we can spread air mattresses for
the rest. Fully furnished, heated and comfortable. We will leave from my house about noon on Saturday and return to
Cost for two nights lodging is about $50.00, depending on the number of people attending. I will prepare dinner each night.
CONTACT: Kathy Wolfe 482-0424.
LENGTH: Several trails of various lengths.
ROAD DISTANCE: About 70 miles round-trip.
Monday January 15 Wittenburg and Cornell, Woodland , NY
The climb to Wittenburg is an exciting challenge, two areas in the
upper third of the climb involve steep scrambles up rock ledges. Leav-
ing the spectacular summit of
ing to a col before summiting
nue Par and Ride in Delmar, please contact Judy for for time.
CONTACT: Judy Brandow 482-4610 or hwesterh@nycap.rr.com
LENGTH: 9.4 miles round-trip, total ascent of about 2700 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: 130 miles round-trip.
Saturday January 20 Mount Sherrill , Shandaken , NY
be a strenuous bushwhack. Full winter gear with snowshoes and crampons are
required. Headlamp with spare batteries also. Meet at
Ride in Delmar, call for time.
CONTACT: Dick Hughes 371-8585 or rhughes913@nycap.rr.com
LENGTH: 4-5 miles round-trip, rise of 2000 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: 110 miles round-trip.
Tuesday January 23 Ski Pineridge, Poestinkill , NY
If there is insufficient snow we’ll try to go to another ski center.
Meet at
CONTACT: Susan Roberts 766-4170
Marty Connor 477-5824 or martvcon@aol.com
LENGTH: Various trails for you to try out.
ROAD DISTANCE: Call Susan or Marty, you may go directly.
Sunday January 21 X-C Ski Partridge Run, Albany , NY
A good place to ski locally without paying a fee. The distance may depend on
Which parking areas have been plowed. Meet at Menands at 8:30 am.
CONTACT: Willard Hoyt at 732 2390 or willardh2@juno.com
LENGTH: 6 miles with a small ascent.
ROAD DISTANCE: 68 miles round-trip.
Saturday, January 27, Annual Winter Festival, Grafton , NY
Join us at
CONTACT: Gayle Fountain 371-8585 or pfounta1@nycap.rr.com
Colin Campbell 438-9629 or holesinhead@aol.com
LENGTH: Approx. 3 miles
DISTANCE: Your house to GLSP
Sunday January 28 Peekamoose and Table Mts. , Ulster Co. , NY
These are the most southeast of all the high
of the highest vertical ascents in the Catskills, in very attractive woods.
CONTACT: Judy Brandow 482-4610 or hwesterh@nycap.rr.com
LENGTH: 8.6 miles round-trip, ascent about 3000 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 165 miles round-trip.
Sunday, February 11, 2007 Spruce Bog & NiMo Trails, Grafton , NY
Work on your GLSP patch with a hike or snowshoe on the Spruce Bog and NiMo Trail, 2 more trails for your efforts. If the weather cooperates, this should be a beautiful walk in the woods with no elevation changes, just a chance to enjoy the scenery of this secluded area. Must call Gayle for meeting time and place.
CONTACT: Gayle Fountain 371-8585 pfounta1@nycap.rr.com
LENGTH: Approx. 4 miles
DISTANCE: To be determined
Thursday February 8 Leaders Choice X-C Ski
This will be a cross-country ski trip of approximately 8 to 10 miles and moderate backcountry difficulty. Some possibilities include, but not limited to: Woodford, Grafton Lakes State Park or Partridge Run. Place will be determined by snow conditions. Must call Lynn .
LENGTH: To be determined by phone call.
ROAD DISTANCE: Please call
Monday February 12 Eagle Mountain , Seager , NY
On Abe’s Birthday we will hike from Seager on a marked trail. Seager is a little further to drive than McKinley Hollow but the Seager trail is a better winter ascent route. Full winter gear with snowshoes and crampons required. Headlamp with spare batteries also. Meet at Elm Ave. P&R in Delmar, call for time.
CONTACT: Dick Hughes 371-8585 or rhughes913@nycap.rr.com
LENGTH: 8.0 miles round-trip, rise of 2000 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: 130 miles round-trip.
Saturday February 24 Williamstown , MA
We will X-C ski, snowshoe or hike depending on the trail conditions. The golf
course we will be using is behind the Clark Arts Institute. Meet at 10.00 a.m.
at the Clark Arts Institute. Call Doree for details.
CONTACT: Doree Cox
LENGTH: . Various trails of varying lengths.
Wednesday February 28 Taconic Crest Trail or
Please call Phil for details as we will hike the area of the most interest.
CONTACT: Phil Fountain 371-8585 or pfounya1@nycap.rr.com
LENGTH: Group Decision.
ROAD DISTANCE: Capital District Area.