Wednesday September 5 Paddle Hudson River, Waterford, NY
This will be a canoe or kayak trip on the Hudson River from Waterford to Albany. The Federal Lock 1 in Troy is on this section of the Hudson River. Meet at Lock 2 in Waterford at 9:00 a.m. We will spot a car or two at the Corning Preserve in Albany.
CONTACT: Dick Hughes 371-7655 or
LENGTH: 10 miles
ROAD DISTANCE: Your house to Waterford, NY.
Thursday September 6 Paddle to Yanni’s Too, Coeymans, NY
We will launch from the Henry Hudson Park boat launch and paddle
to Yanni’s Too restaurant in Coeymans. We will have lunch on the
deck at Yanni’s overlooking the Hudson River. Plan on spending at
least an hour and a half for lunch. Lunches run about $8:00. We will
then paddle back to the Henry Hudson boat launch. Call John for time
and meeting place. Please, NO BROWN BAGGERS!
CONTACT: John Pecoroni 429-7898 or
LENGTH: 8 miles round-trip.
ROAD DISTANCE: Please contact John.
Saturday Sept. 8 Keystone Arch Bridge Trail in Chester, MA
In 1841 Western Railroad opened the first rail trail to cross MA. A
series of 10 magnificent arch bridges were constructed. We will visit
3 of these bridges in a 5 mile round trip hike along the Westfield River. This will be an easy, relaxing and historical walk/hike. It is recommended that participants walk down the base of the bridges, which is steep, to fully enjoy the beauty. We will meet at 9:00 a.m. at the Route 4 & 43 Park & Ride in North Greenbush. Then meet Russ in Lee, MA at 10:00 a.m. for further car-pooling.
CONTACT: Russ Wilson 413-243-9304 or
LENGTH: 5 miles round-trip, one small steep decent.
ROAD DISTANCE: 50 miles to Lee, MA and 40 miles there, total round-trip of 140 miles.
September 10,11&12th Bike Wolfe Island, Kingston Ontario
We will drive up to Cape Vincent, NY on Monday and stay two
nights at the Tibbett’s Point Lighthouse Hostel. We will bike
around this area on Monday. On Tuesday we will take a ferry to
Wolfe Island and bike around this picturesque area. Another ferry
takes you to historical Kingston, Ontario, for those who so desire.
We will travel home on Wednesday. Beds are limited so call Etta.
CONTACT: Etta Menges 233-8310.
LENGTH: As much biking as you like.
ROAD DISTANCE: About 200 miles round-trip.
Saturday & Sunday September 15&16 THC Trail Work Weekend
Select a day Saturday or Sunday (or both days), When you can join
your friends for trail work on the most remote section of the Taconic
Crest Trail, Madden Road north to Mattison Hollow. We need two
teams going in at each trail end for bush clearing, trail signs and
general clean-up. If we can’t get done one day will get done the
following day. Call Colin to reserve your space and get the time
and meeting place. Ice cream and sodas, etc., afterwards.
Remember the End to End is next year, on May 10, 2008.
CONTACT: Colin Campbell 438-9629 or
LENGTH: Colin to determine by time of day stopping time.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 80 miles round-trip.
Thursday September 20 Paddle 13th Lake, North River, NY
If we follow the contour of this long thin lake, with tall mountains
on both sides, the paddle will be a little less than 5 miles. This will
be a good chance to experience this quiet mostly forested area as
the leaves change. We will plan on a leisurely flatwater paddle with
lunch at the takeout. We will meet at Northway Exit 9 P&R at 8:30.
CONTACT: Bill Valentino at home 439-9686 or cell 366-4035 or
LENGTH: Total paddle distance is expected to be 5 miles.
ROAD DISTANCE: 160 miles round-trip.
Saturday Sept. 22 Monument Mt., Great Barrington, MA
Hopefully we will hit a day to observe the Broad Winged Hawk migration to their winter habitat. It will be reported to Audubon if we observe a kettle (flock). We will also see the Devil’s Pulpit and Squaw Peak. The Monument Mountain Mystery will be revealed at this time. We will meet at the Rt. 4 & 43 P&R in North Greenbush at 9:00 a.m. and then drive to Lee, MA to meet up with Russ at 10 a.m.
CONTACT: Russ Wilson 413-243-9304 or rwilson61325@roadrunner
LENGTH: 2.5 mile loop with a gradual ascent of 800 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 115 miles round-trip.
Tuesday September 25 Bike the Mohawk, Schenectady, NY
We will bike west to Rexford, cross the Mohawk River on Balltown Road. Take River Road to the Crescent Bridge on Route 9 to Fonda Road and the Mohawk Bike Path back to the Colonie Town Park. Contact Judy for tome and meeting place.
CONTACT: Judy Brandow 482-4610 or
LENGTH: 28 miles.
ROAD DISTANCE: Your house to Colonie Town Park.
Saturday September 29 Hike At from CT to MA
This will be a hike from Sages Ravine to Race Brook Falls. Hike is
fairly strenuous, but at a moderate pace. Plan on an all day hike, with
some car spotting. Highlights include Sages Ravine, climb over Race
Mountain and Race Brook Falls. Please call Bob to register.
CONTACT: Bob Armao 271-6512 or
LENGTH: 8.2 miles, ascent of approximately 1500 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: Please contact Bob for details.
Thursday October 4 Thomas Mountain, Bolton Landing, NY
This mountain is located on the west side of Lake George and offers great views of Lake George. The trail is mostly on a dirt road that is on land owned by the Lake George Land Conservancy. Meet at Northway Exit 9 Park & Ride, on Fire Road at 9 a.m.
CONTACT: Phil Fountain 371-8585 or
LENGTH: 3.5 miles round-trip with ascent of about 750 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: 110 miles round-trip.
Saturday October 6 Burroughs Sanctuary, Ulster County, NY
“Slabsides”, the rustic cabin of naturalist-writer John Bourroughs is open to the public on this date for a rare glimpse inside and a program of talks and walks. Contact Susan for details of meeting place & time.
CONTACT: Susan Roberts 766-4170.
LENGTH: To be determined by phone calls.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 140 miles round-trip.
Monday October 8 Snow Hole, Petersburgh Pass. NY
Celebrate Columbus Day with a hike to the Snow Hole on the TCT.
We will check the autumn foliage on this trail and enjoy the beautiful
View along the way. Meet at Wal-Mart P & R on Hoosick Street,
Troy, NY at 9:00 a.m.
CONTACT: Gayle Fountain 371-8585 or
LENGTH: 6 miles round-trip with ascent of about 700 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: 65 miles round-trip.
Thursday October 11 Pilot Knob, Lake George, NY
This mountain is located on the east side of Lake George and has a spectacular view of Lake George and the surrounding mountains.
CONTACT: Phil Fountain 371-8585 or
LENGTH: 5 miles round-trip with an ascent of 1500 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: 110 miles round-trip.
Saturday October 13 Shaker hike, Tyringham, MA
We will hake via Tyringham Road, Valley and Cobble to a Shaker Campsite. This hike will explore the history of the Tyringham Shakers who were the smallest and least known of all the Shaker Communities. All the land and buildings are under private ownership.
An optional two mile easy hike to the Shaker site will also be provided.
Starting times will vary but both groups will arrive at the Shaker site at
about the same time. An authentic Shaker lunch will be provided,
Bring your choice of drinks. Meet at 9:00 a.m. at the 4 & 43 Park & Ride in North Greenbush. We will then meet Russ in Lee, MA at 10:00 a.m.
CONTACT: Russ Wilson 413-243-9304 or
LENGTH: About 5 miles of easy hiking.
ROAD DISTANCE: 50 miles to Lee and 10 miles there for a total
of 110 miles round-trip.
Saturday October 13 Appalachian Trail in Massachusetts
This will be a ten mile somewhat strenuous hike from Benedict
Pond in the Beartown State Forest, over East and June Mountains,
to the Housatonic River near Route 7, south of Great Barrington.
Should have excellent views of the fall foliage from Ice Gulch and
along the East Mountain Range. We will meet at the Park & Ride
in North Greenbush off of Routes 4 & 43 at 7 a.m. or at Benedict
Pond parking area in the Beartown State Park at 8:30 a.m.
CONTACT: R.J. Hydorn 283-6056 or
LENGTH: 10 miles with ascents and steep descents. Expect to keep
a 2 mile per hour pace.
ROAD DISTANCE: About 125 miles round-trip with a car spot.
Wednesday October 17 Paddle Erie Canal Lock 18 to 16
This will be a canoe/ kayak paddle on the Mohawk River. Lock 17, with a lift of 40 feet has the highest vertical lift of any lock on the canal system. It also has an outlet gate that is unique. Meet at Crossgate Mall in Penney’s parking lot at 7:00 a.m. As you exit the Northway, Penney’s is the lot in front of you.
CONTACT: Dick Hughes 371-7655 or
LENGTH: 12 miles.
ROAD DISTANCE: 200 miles round-trip, a car spot will be needed.
Thursday October 18 Sleeping Beauty, Lake George, NY
This hike is also located on the east side of Lake George and has a wonderful view of the lake and surrounding area. We will meet at the Northway Exit 9 Park & Ride on Fire Road at 9:00 a.m.
CONTACT: Phil Fountain 371-8585 or
LENGTH: 8.3 miles round-trip with an ascent of 1700 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: 120 miles round-trip.
Sunday October 21 Two Hikes at GLSP, Grafton, NY
To keep working on your patch for the Grafton Lakes State Park
We will hike the Chet Bell Trail and the Dickinson Fire Tower
Trail. Meet at Wal-Mart P&R on Hoosick Street, Troy, NY at 9 am.
CONTACT: Gayle Fountain 371-8585 or
LENGTH: About 4 miles round-trip with ascent of about 400 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: About 40 miles round-trip.
Wednesday October 24 Hike Bear Mountain, Salisbury CT
We will park on Rt. 41 just south of the CT line and ascend via the Under Mountain Trail for 1.1 miles to the Paradise Trail for 2 miles to the AT (it’s not called the Paradise Trail for nothing!). We will head south on the AT over Bear Mountain (elevation 2316 ft.) for 1.5 miles, enjoying its great views, and continue to the junction of the Under Mountain Trail, taking this east and out to the cars. This offers beautiful trails, an open summit, an interesting loop, a cross of Brassie Brook and a possible foray into Sages Ravine, if the weather is nice. Meet ready to leave the Hitchinpost Café on Route 20 in New Lebanon, NY at 8:30 a.m. Heavy rain cancels.
CONTACTS: Karen Ross794-7474 or
Lori McCarron 587-1957 or
LENGTH: 6.5 miles and 1500 feet of vertical ascent.
ROAD DISTANCE: Your house to New Lebanon. Call Lori to car
pool from the Albany area.
Thursday October 25 Deer Leap, North Bolton Landing, NY
This trail leads to some nice lookouts over the mid-Lake George area, with a view from the west across Lake George to Huletts Landing. We will meet at the Northway Exit 9 Park & Ride off Fire Road at 9 a.m.
CONTACT: Phil Fountain 371-8585 or
LENGTH: 3 miles round trip with an ascent of 1100 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: 135 miles round-trip.
Saturday October 27 Laura’s Tower & Ice Glen, Stockbridge, MA
This will be a Halloween season hike to Laura’s Tower and Ice Glen. The Tower is steep and offers panoramic views while the trail offers sky scraping conifers and the world of Ice Glen. After the hike an optional walk will take place in the Stockbridge Cemetery. We will visit the graves of Norman Rockwell and the famous Sedgwick Pie. Come and listen to fact and folklore of our colonial cemeteries. Share a ghost story. We will meet at the Rt.4 & 43 P & R in North Greenbush at 9:00 a.m. and then drive to Lee, MA to further car-pool with Russ at 10:00 a.m.
CONTACT: Russ Wilson 413-243-9304 or
LENGTH: 3.3 mile hike with 640 feet elevation gain.
ROAD DISTANCE: About 110 miles round-trip.
The banquet will be held at the Lake Side Inn, Averill Park, NY.
Social hour will be from 2:00 pm to 3:00 p.m. Buffet will be served from 3:00 p.m. Price is $22.00 per person. Slide presentation by Chuck Irose on his sea kayaking in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Alaska. Please send check to Doree Cox and contact her for info.
CONTACT: Doree Cox 104 Dutch Church Road, Petersburgh, NY
12138, by October 20th. Phone Number 658-2643.
Wednesday November 7 Blackhead Mountain, Maplecrest, NY
This is the eastern most peak of the stately three mountains called the
Three Sisters Range. We are planning to hike up the col between
Blackhead and Black Dome, but turn left at the col junction on the
yellow marked Blackhead Mountain Spur Trail. Please contact Judy
for meeting place and time.
CONTACT: Judy Brandow 482-4610 or
LENGTH: 4.5 miles round-trip, ascent of 1740 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: About 100 miles round-trip
Friday November 9 Bike Saratoga County, NY
Bike a loop from Round Lake to Ballston Lake to Jonesville and back to Round Lake. Meet at 9:00 a.m. at the bike path parking lot in Round Lake,. East (right turn) off North Way Exit 11, down the hill and the bike path parking is on the left before the sharp turn. to the left.
CONTACT: Dick Hughes 371-7655 or
LENGTH: 18 miles round-trip.
ROAD DISTANCE: Your house to Round Lake parking lot.
Saturday November 10 Taconic Crest Trail, MA
We’ll spot cars (in Hancock and Rt. 20 Pittsfield, MA) and hike the southern most section of the TCT. Our route will take us through the Pittsfield State Forest, traversing Tower Mountain with its excellent vistas and passing by Berry Pond onto Potter Mountain Road. Please contact Dave for meeting place and time of hike.
CONTACT: Dave Pisaneschi 459-5969 or
LENGTH: 9.7 miles with an ascent of 2300 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: Please contact Dave for information.
Tuesday November 13 Perry’s Peak & TCT in MA & NY
We will spot cars at Karen’s house in Lebanon Springs and drive about 12 minutes to the trailhead for Perry’s Peak in Richmond, MA. This 3.6 mile trail (1000 feet elevation for this section) is nicely marked, ascends along lovely Sleepy Hollow Brook, and offers some Berkshire vistas south and west before continuing north past “Elephant Rock” to end at a nasty garbage-filled turnout on Route 10. Leaving the debris behind, we will cross Route 20 and continue north on the Taconic Crest Trail, angling up and down the 1.6 miles to Twin Pond. Going 1.6 miles further to the Lebanon Springs Road, we will cross Tower Mountain Road in another 2 miles. After finishing 0.25 miles with the views on Tower Mountain (about 1200 feet vertical for the section north of Route 20) we will turn back south and descend 2.25 miles on a private access road to the cars, at the Ross house. The hike could be shortened by leaving the TCT at the Lebanon Springs access trail. Heavy rain, icing or snowstorms cancels. Pack crampons if we’ve had snow or freezing temps previously. Meet at Ross house at 8:00 a.m.
CONTACTS: Karen Ross 794-7474 or
Lori McCarren 587-1957 or
LENGTH: 11.3 miles and 2300 feet vertical gain.
ROAD DISTANCE: Your house to Karen’s. Call Lori to car-pool
from the Albany area.
Monday November 26 Mattison Hollow to Southeast Hollow,
Cherry Plain, NY
This will be a good work out after the Thanksgiving Holiday long weekend. We will do some minimum trail work and report any needs to Colin for spring cleanup before the ‘08 end to end on May 10th.
We will meet at 8:00 a.m. at Wal-Mart’s Park & Ride on Hoosick Street, Troy, NY.
CONTACT: Phil Fountain 371-8585 or
LENGTH: About 6.5 miles with ascent of about 1200 ft., including
access trails.
ROAD DISTANCE: We will need ca-spots for about a 90 mile R/T.