Thursday September 4: Black Mountain, Hulett’s Landing, NY
Black Mountain is always a favorite on the East side of Lake George. This could be a late summer hike, or there could be Fall color. Meet at Northway Exit 9 Park & Ride of Fire Road in Clifton Park at 8:00 AM.
CONTACT: Katie Henrikson 439-4308 or khenriks@nycap.rr.com
LENGTH: 5.6 miles round-trip, ascent of 1460 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 150 miles round-trip.
Tuesday September 9: Paddle Kunjamuk River, Speculator, NY
The tranquil Kunjamuk is one of the more delightful little waterways of the Adirondacks. We are planning to end the paddle at Elm Lake. Meet at the Northway Exit 9 Park and Ride off Fire Road in Clifton Park at 8:00 AM.
CONTACT: Etta Menges 233-8310.
LENGTH: 6 miles.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 170 miles round-trip.
Thursday September 11: Paddle to Yanni’s III, Athens, NY
This will be a paddle on the Hudson River from Stockport Station, in Albany, to Yanni’s III Restaurant, in Athens. This will be for kayaks only and we will have lunch at Yanni’s III. Must contact John for meeting time and place.
CONTACT: John Pecoroni 439-7898 or jpecoroni@yahoo.com
LENGTH: 8 miles round-trip.
ROAD DISTANCE: Contact John for information.
Sunday September 14: Greylock Mountain, Lanesboro, MA
We will hike the easy way and enjoy MASSACHUSETTS” highest summit of 3491 feet. Plan to meet at the Wal Mart’s off Route 7 in Brunswick, NY, must contact Phil for time.
CONTACT: Phil Fountain 371-8585 or pfounta1@nycap.rr.com
LENGTH: 12 miles round-trip, ascent of about 1500 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: About 80 miles round-trip.
Monday September 15: Leadership and Compass Training, Menands, NY
Fred Schroeder is graciously going to provide comments on a general topic of Hike Leadership and Compass Training. Helen Mentz of the Littles Lake is allowing the Taconic Hiking Club the use of their facilitates from 7:00 P.M. until 8:30 P.M.
CONTACT: Fred Schroeder 459-0853 or marfred2@juno.com
LENGTH: Starts at 7:00PM and will end no later than 8:30 PM.
ROAD DISTANCE: Your house to Littles Lake in Menands.
Monday September 15: Bike Ride
Contact Judy Brandow for details at 482-4610 or hwesternh@nycap.rr.com
Tuesday September 16: Paddle West Branch Sacandaga River, Arietta, NY
A winding river with a languorous current that affords opportunities to explore side streams. We will try to find Good Luck Lake and Chub Lake, a bog. Call Dale for meeting place and time.
CONTACT: Dale Blanchet 273-4262
LENGTH: About 7.5 miles.
ROAD DISTANCE: 150 miles round-trip.
Saturday September 20: Long Trial/AT in Danby, VT
Starting at the Big Branch River crossing on the USFS 10, we will hike steadily up to Baker Peak (2850 ft.) and then desend the Baker Peak trail. Highlights include the open, rocky summit ok Baker Peak and crossing the Big Branch on a suspension bridge. Must contact R.J. for meeting place and time as well as car spots.
CONTACT: R.J. Hydorn at 283-6056 or rjhydorn@lycos.com
LENGTH: 7.8 miles (4.9 mi. LT/AT) with ascent of 1320 ft. & decent of 2130 ft.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 130 miles RT with car spot.
Wednesday September 24: Plateau Mountain, Edgewood, NY
This rugged and beautiful new section of the Long Path was opened in 2007. It connects the Warner Creek Trail at Silver Hollow Notch directly to the Devil’s Path on Plateau Mountain. Meet at the Rout4e 32 Elm Avenue P&R in Delmar, call Susan for time.
CONTACT: Susan Roberts at 766-4170.
LENGTH: About 7 miles if we spot a car, ascent of
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 110 miles round-trip.
Thursday October 2: The Three Sisters, Maplecrest, NY
These three peaks, Thomas Cole, Black Dome and Blackhead, are visible from spots in Albany and also from the Oakwood Cemetery in Troy. We will hike from the Barnum Road parking lot up the ridge and across all three peaks. A car will be spotted at the end of Big Hollow Road. Meet at the Route 32 Delmar Park and Ride at 8 AM.
CONTACT: Katie Henrickson at khenriks@nycap.rr.com or 439-4308.
LENGTH: 8 miles and ascent of 2660 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 95 miles round-trip.
Monday October 6: Bike Ride
Contact Judy Brandow for details at 482-4610 or hwesterh@nycap.rr.com
Wednesday October 10: Catskill Scenic Bike Trail, Grand Gorge, NY
This rail trail runs between Bloomville and Grand Gorge, through Delaware and Schoharie Counties. The path is cinder (unpaved) and parallels the West Branch of the Delaware River. Listed as 19 miles, there may be a new section open; distance traveled will be determined by the group. We may divide into two groups (one faster-paced) if there are enough riders. Call Susan for time and meeting place.
CONTACT: Susan Roberts at 766-4170.
LENGTH: About 19 miles, no more than 400 foot change.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 110 miles round-trip.
Sunday October 19: Long Trail/AT in North Dorset, VT
From Mad Tom Notch, we will hike north over Styles Peak (3394 ft.) and Peru Peak (3429 ft.) with views from both summits. From there we will work our way down to Griffith Lake before descending onto the Long Trail. Must contact Bob for meeting place and time as well as car spotting plans.
CONTACT: Bob Armao 271-6512 or bob_armao@yahoo.com
LENGTH: 8.7 miles (5.4 mi.LT/AT), ascent of 1000 ft. & descent of 2700 ft.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 125 miles round-trip with car spot.
Sunday October 26: K. Dubuque State Forest, Hawley, MA
This is a former area of small farms returned to woods. Leader has seen a black bear and a moose tracks there. This is the kind of place where walking an old road one might meet a porcupine coming the other way, which has also happen to the leader. Near the start we will visit a stone charcoal kiln. Contact Willard for meeting place and time.
CONTACT: Willard Hoyt 732-2390 or willardh2@juno.com
LENGTH: 6.5 miles with ascent of no more than 250 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: 135 miles round-trip.
Saturday November 1: Bromley Mt. Via LT/AT, Peru, VT
With the fall foliage gone, we should have sweeping views from the North (3120 ft.) and south (3260 ft.) summits of Bromley. Plan is to through-hike on the Long Trail/AT from VT 11 and 30 to Mad Tom Notch. Must contact R.J. for meeting place and time as well as car spots.
CONTACT: R.J. Hydorn 283-6056 or rjhydorn@lycos.com
LENGTH: 5.5.miles with ascent of 1460 feet & descent of 815 ft.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 120 miles round-trip w/car spot.
Tuesday November 4: Peaked Mountain, North Creek, NY
We will hike (Election Day) along the southern edge of Thirteen Lake and up the trail first to Peaked Mountain Pond, and then to the summit of Peaked Mountain. There can be views of the High Peaks on a clear day. Meet at 8 AM at Northway Exit 9 Park and Ride off Fire Road in Clifton Park.
CONTACT: Katie Henrikson at 439-4308 or khenrils@nycap.rr.com
LENGTH: 6.8 miles round-trip, ascent of 1200 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 150 miles round-trip.
Thursday November 6: Bike Ride
Contact Judy Brandow for details at 482-4610 or hwesterh@nycap.rr.com
Sunday November 9: Hike Rt. 20 to Berry Pond, MA
This will be do trail clearing and installing signs on the Taconic Crest Trail. Wear gloves and bring your small saw, pruners or loppers, the Club will provide tools too. We will meet at the Rt.4 P&R in North Greenbush, must contact Phil for time. We will need to spot cars.
CONTACT: Phil Fountain 371-8585 or pfounta1@nycap.rr.com
LENGTH: 6.48 miles, ascent of 1620 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 100 miles round-trip, with car spot.
Sunday November 16: Hike Skyline Trail, Berkshire Co., MA
This mostly wooded area on the east side of the hill will provide protection from the wind. An overlook and a side trail to an interesting rock formation. We will meet at the Schodack Park and Ride, must call Dale for time.
CONTACT: Dale Blanchet at 273-4262.
LENGTH: 4 miles with ascent of 400 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: 60 miles round-distance.
Sunday November 23: Moderate Hike, Berkshire Co., MA
Must call Dale for information, meeting place and time.
CONTACT: Dale Blanchet at 273-4262.
LENGTH: About 5 miles with ascent of about 500 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: Call Dale for info.
Wednesday November 26: Berlin Mountain, Petersburgh, NY
This will be doing a leisurely walk to the highest summit in Resselaer County..
We are going to check on the shrubs and tree saplings that were planted on June 10th.
Plan is to enter and exit via the Green Hollow access trail. Please contact Colin for meeting place and time.
CONTACT: Colin Campbell 438-9629 or holesinhead@aol.com
LENGTH: 2.8 plus access trail, ascent of ? feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: Contact Colin.
Sunday November 30: Moderate Hike, Berkshire Co, MA
Must all Dale for information, meeting place and time.
CONTACT: Dale Blanchet at 273-4262.
LENGTH: About 5 miles with minimal ascent.
ROAD DISTANCE: Call Dale for info