Welcome to the Taconic Hiking Club in the Albany, NY Capital District/Berkshires
Taconic Hiking Club members welcome applicants interested in nature study, hiking, backpacking, camping, cycling, canoe/kayaking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, trail maintenance and Tanglewood. Activities are listed in our newsletter and generally take place in, but are not limited to, the area surrounding Capital District. Contact:THC, 30 Upper Flat Rock Road, Delmar NY 12054-5228. Annual dues are $10. To view the current THC BLOG pages, search: http://taconichikingclub.blogspot.com/
Monday, October 27, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Pineridge XC Ski Area Trails Day and Open House on Sat and Sun, October 18 and 19
Just a reminder, Pineridge Trails Day is on Saturday, October 18th from
Thursday, October 09, 2008
THC Trailwork Dates in October Set by Colin Campbell: Tuesday 10/14, Mondays 10/20 and 10/27 and Wednesday 10/29

Saturday, October 04, 2008
FRIENDS OF THE DYKEN POND CENTER Dinner at the Grafton Inn, Thurs OCT 23rd at 6:30
of the
Dinner at the Grafton Inn
Followed by
Nancy Heaslip, Senior Wildlife Biologist with NYS DEC
speaking on
Wildlife of the Rensselaer Plateau
Thursday, October 23, 2008, at 6:30 pm
Dinner will be served at your table.
Entrée choices are chicken, roast pork, or vegetarian dish.
Cost for the evening is $17 for Friends members, $22 for non-members.
Please RSVP with your entrée choices to jim@jbonesteel.com
or at (518) 766-5354 by
Friday, Oct. 17.
The Grafton Inn is on Route 2 about a mile east of the Town of Grafton’s village green, and just west of Grafton Elementary School. From Routes 2 and 66 in Troy, go about 15 miles east on Rte 2.
Nancy Heaslip deals with a wide variety of wildlife in Rensselaer County and in the Capital Region as a biologist with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. She will tell us how some of the animals that are regularly seen in the vicinity of the Dyken Pond Center are doing, such as moose and bear, and will speak about some of the management challenges these animals present.
After dinner, the agenda for the annual meeting includes a vote for new terms for directors, a financial report, a summary of the past year’s activities and accomplishments, and our speaker. The annual meeting is an opportunity to meet the Directors and other Friends members. The Friends’ Directors look forward to hearing from the people who care about Dyken Pond Center.