Monday March 2: Berlin Mountain, Petersburg, NY
This is a rescheduled hike that was canceled in January. We will start from Petersburg Pass and hike south to the summit of Berlin Mountain and continue out via the Southeast Hollow access trail, to a pre-spotted car. We will meet at Walmart’s on Hoosick Street,
(Route 7) in Brunswick. Please contact Phil for the meeting time. This will be a joint hike with ADK.
CONTACT: Phil Fountain at pfounta1@nycap.rr.com or 371-8585.
LENGTH: 6.75 miles, ascent of about 1000 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: About 65 miles round-trip.
Tuesday, March 3: Local hike or snowshoe
If the ground is well frozen, the Open Space Preserve on Peltz Road in Selkirk will be dry, otherwise the Hanacrois Creek Preserve in New Baltimore might be suitable. Call Dale Blanchett for meeting time and place.
CONTACT: Dale Blanchet, 273-4262.
LENGTH: 2 to 3 miles, ascent of 200 feet.
Friday, March 6: Hike or snowshoe New Scotland, Albany County
Hike or snowshoe Holt Preserve, New Scotland, Albany County. This area offers some good views this time of year and some sheltering evergreen plantations. We will meet at the Elm Ave. Park & Ride in Delmar at 9:30am.
CONTACT: Dale Blanchett, 273-4262.
LENGTH: 2 miles, ascent of 600 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: 18 miles R.T.
Monday, March 9: Hike or snowshoe John Boyd Thacher State Park.
We’ll meet at Delmar Park & Ride. Call Judy for details.
CONTACT: Judy Brandow at hwesterh@nycap.rr.com or 482-4610.
LENGTH: 4 – 5 miles depending on conditions.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 40 miles R.T.
Wednesday, March 25: Bike Ride, Clifton Park
We will bike the back roads of Clifton Park. This date may change depending on the weather. Meet at 10am, 19 Lace Lane, Clifton Park.
CONTACT: Dick Hughes at rhughes913@nycap.rr.com or 371-7655
LENGTH: 30 miles + or -.
ROAD DISTANCE: Your house to Clifton Park.
Thursday April 16: Sawteeth Mountain. Keene Valley, NY
The plan will be to hike the Ausable Lake Road trail to the col between Pyramid and Sawteeth.
We will take a side trip to view Rainbow Falls before continuing to the summit. Meet at the Northway Exit 9 Park & Ride in Clifton Park on Fire Road; please call Phil for meeting time.
CONTACT: Phil Fountain at pfounta1@nycap.rr.com or 371-8585.
LENGTH: About 12.5 miles roundtrip, ascent of about 3000 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: 210 miles round-trip.

Saturday, April 18: Taconic Crest Trail, trail work
We’ll cover the section of the TCT from Robinson Hollow to Mattison Hollow. This will involve blow down removal and drainage work. We’ll also repair some of the ATV damage. Bad weather postpones to the following day or weekend. Contact Dave for meeting place and time.
CONTACT: Dave Pisaneschi at dpisanes@nycap.rr.com or 459-5969.
LENGTH: Approximately 6 miles, including access trails, with an ascent of approximately 1500 ft.
ROAD DISTANCE: Contact Dave.
Saturday, April 18: Trail Clearing, TCT
This winter saw a lot of heavy snow and ice on the Taconic Crest Trail. We have reports of extensive blow down on the trail and we have a lot of work ahead of us to clean this up. We will provide some tools for usage but please bring your own if you want too.
CONTACT: Colin Campbell at holesinhead@aol.com or 438-9629, for meeting place, time and section to be cleared.
LRNGTH: Contact Colin.
ROAD DISTANCE: Contact Colin.
Sunday, April 19: Schodack Island State Park
The trail south has been blocked due to eagles nesting and the Corp of Engineers dumping area for dredging beyond the park. We can explore and, unless there is high tide, walk along the shore to the end of the point.
CONTACT: Willard Hoyt at willardh2@juno.com or 732-2390 for starting time.
LENGTH: 8 or 9 miles.
ROAD DISTANCE: Meet at south parking area.
Thursday, April 23: Bike Ride, Leaders Choice.
Contact Judy for the location and details of this bike ride.
CONTACT: Judy Brandow at hwesterh@nycap.rr.com or 482-4610.
LENGTH: 25 miles.
ROAD DISTANCE: Contact Judy.
Saturday, April 25: Trail Clearing, TCT
This is a continuation of the work started on April 18.
CONTACT: Colin Campbell at holesinhead@aol.com or 438-9629, for meeting place, time and section to be cleared.
LRNGTH: Contact Colin.
ROAD DISTANCE: Contact Colin.
Sunday, April 26: Schodack Island Paddle
We’ll meet at either the canoe launch or main boat launch at Schodack Island State Park. Plan to be in the water and ready to go by 9am. We will paddle/explore until about 4pm. Best for touring kayaks, but strong canoers are welcome. Wet- or dry- suit recommended. We will try to find some short hikes during lunch. If there is time and interest we can hike the trails in the State Park.
CONTACT: David Pisaneschi at dpisanes@nycap.rr.com or 459-5969.
LENGTH: As time allows
ROAD DISTANCE: Your house to Schodack Island State Park.
Sunday, April 26: AT in Massachusetts and Pine Cobble
Hike the Appalachian Trail from Route 2 in North Adams to the junction with the Pine Cobble Trail. We will descend to the Pine Cobble and back to Williamstown, with great views of the Hoosac Range and the Berkshires.
CONTACT: R.J. Hydorn at rjhydorn@lycos.com or 283-6056.
LENGTH: 5 miles. 1,350 feet elevation gain and descent.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 75 miles, plus a short car spot.
Monday, April 27: Trail Clearing, TCT
In addition to April 18 & 25, Colin will be setting aside more weekdays beginning April 27, to systematically cover remaining areas of the trail. All are invited (as their schedule allows) to join Colin in a day’s stroll to repair the trail or by assisting him at the end and returning him to his vehicle. Afterwards, an ice cream treat at Stewart’s, courtesy of THC!
CONTACT: Colin Campbell at holesinhead@aol.com or 438-9629, for meeting place, time and section to be cleared.
LRNGTH: To be determined by Colin and workers.
ROAD DISTANCE: Contact Colin.
Wednesday, April 29: Hike Elephant Mountain, Lake George.
Elephant Mountain has a different view of the North End of Lake George. It is located 1.3 miles north of Black Mountain. We will start hiking from Black Mountain parking area.
CONTACT: Dick Hughes at rhughes913@nycap.rr.com or 371-7655.
LENGTH: Bushwack 5 miles R.T.
ROAD DISTANCE: 140 miles R.T.
Friday, May 1: Paddle Mohawk and Hudson & Rivers
We will launch from either Waterford or Peebles Island. We will explore the intersecting area of the two rivers including a Hudson River lock and the falls south of Peebles Island, perhaps with lunch at Peebles Island. This is intended to be a good seasonal warm up paddle. We will meet at Northway Exit 9 Park & Ride at 9am.
CONTACT: Bill Valentino at billvalentino113@yahoo.com or 439-9686.
LENGTH: Total paddle distance is expected to be less than 7 miles.
ROAD DISTANCE: 20 miles R.T.
Sunday, May 3: Val-Kill Trail, Hyde Park, Dutchess County
There are 4 to 5 miles of trail east of Route 9 connecting the Roosevelt Historic Sites. I hope to continue past Val-Kill to Top Cottage. We will watch for flowers and returning birds. Meet at Schodack Park and Ride at 8am or in the main lobby of the Wallace Visitor’s Center at 10 am.
CONTACT: Dale Blanchet: 273-4262
LENGTH: 5 miles, ascent of 200 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 150 miles R.T.
Monday, May 4: Canoe or Kayak, Schenectady.
We will spot a car at Lock 7 and start our paddle from Schenectady County Community College. MUST call Judy for details and car spot.
CONTACT: Judy Brandow at hwesterh@nycap.rr.com or 482-4610.
LENGTH: 9 miles.
ROAD DISTANCE: 48 miles R.T.
Tuesday, May 5: Siuslaw Forest. Acra, Greene County.
This 147-acre model forest demonstrates forest management practices that preserve water quality. Trails are moderate and our pace will be too. Meet at Elm Avenue Park & Ride in Delmar at 9:15am.
CONTACT: Dale Blanchet 273-4262.
LENGTH: 3 miles, ascent of 300 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: 70 miles R.T.
Tuesday, May 12: Balm of Gilead Mountain and Blake Pond
We will do two short hikes in the area of Garnet hill cross-country ski trails. First loop will take us to Balm of Gilead Mountain, a short climb with a dramatic view over 13th Lake, and down into the Siamese Ponds Wilderness. We will start from Garnet Hill, or from Old Farm Clearing if we can’t get permission from Garnet Hill. Meet at Northway Exit 9 Park & Ride at 8:30am.
CONTACT: Katie Henrikson at khenriks@nycap.rr.com or 439-4308.
LENGTH: About 5 miles, ascent.500 feet.
ROAD DISTANCE: Contact Katie.
Wednesday, May 13: Bike Ride, Lake George.
We will bike from Fort Edward to Lake George. First 4 miles will be on the “Feeder Canal Park Heritage Trail”. The next 12 miles will be on the “Warren County Bikeway”. Meet at Exit 9 Park and Ride at 8:30am, must call Dick before the ride.
CONTACT: Dick Hughes at rhughes913@nycap.rr.com or 371-7655.
LENGTH: 32 miles R.T.
ROAD DISTANCE: 70 miles R.T.
Thursday May 14: Paddle Round Lake, NY
This will be my annual early paddle to evaluate the Great Blue Heron nests on this nice local lake. We will meet at the Northway Exit 9 in Clifton Park on Fire Road. Please call Phil for the
meeting time.
CONTACT: Phil Fountain at pfounta1@nycap.rr.com or 371-8585
LENGTH: 3 to 4 miles roundtrip.
ROAD DISTANCE: 20 miles roundtrip from NW Exit 9 P&R.
Saturday, May 16: Grafton, NY
We will hike the new Escarpment Trail created by Nancy Heaslip off Scheafer Rd. This hike starts at the top of the mountain and is all down hill. This a joint hike with RLC.
CONTACT: Doree Cox at 658-2643 for time and meeting place.
LENGTH: 2 miles with no ascent-all down hill.
ROAD DISTANCE: Contact Doree.
Sunday, May 17: Pine Cobble & AT Mass/VT
This is another chance to hike the Pine Cobble. We will ascend to the Appalachian Trail and hike to County Road in VT. Other highlights include Eph’s Lookout and crossing the Mass/VT border.
CONTACT: R.J. Hydorn at rjhydorn@lycos.com or 283-6056.
LENGTH: 6.5 miles. 1,680 feet elevation gain.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 75 miles plus a moderate car spot.
Thursday, May 21: Paddle Hudson River Feeder Canal
The Feeder Canal is the only surviving part of the original Erie Canal system that carries both water and boats. The canal goes through beautiful forest, industrial lands, then right through the middle of Glens Falls. The paddling distance is about 5 miles with a slight current assist. We will shuttle cars. We will meet at Northway Exit 9 Park & Ride at 8am.
CONTACT: Bill Valentino at bilvalentino113@yahoo.com or 439-9686.
LENGTH: Total paddle distance is expected to be less than 6 miles.
ROAD DISTANCE: 100 miles R.T.
Saturday, June 6: National Trail’s Day
Trail work to be done at Grafton Lakes State Park.
Saturday, June 6: THC Annual Potluck Picnic at Grafton, NY Lakes State Park
The Grafton Lakes State Park opens at 9am and closes at dusk for hiking, boating and swimming. We are once again at the Amphitheater Pavilion (by the Beach).
Our activities are:
• At 9:30 am we will meet at GLSP Office and join with volunteers across the US on National Trails Day. Our trail assignment will be in the summer schedule.
• Car shuttle from Mill Pond Parking Lot will start at 11am and end at noon to bring those who chose to the Amphitheater.
• Noon to 1pm Pot Luck appetizers.
• 1pm Pot Luck salads, desserts and treats along with THC supplied hot dogs, hamburgers, cold drinks (lemonade and bottled water) and condiments.
• Please bring your own wine, beer or other choice.
• Lawn chairs and games are recommended.
• 2pm short THC meeting.
• Enjoy the park for the rest of the day.
• Please call Doree Cox at 658-2643 to let her know how many people are coming and what your contribution to the picnic will be (appetizers, salad or dessert). Please leave a message if Doree doesn’t answer.
June 3, 10, 17 & 24 Evening Bike Rides with Rosemary Daley
June 11 and 25: Bill Valentino’s Paddles
August 2 – August 8: Kathy Wolfe’s canoe/kayak trip is full, but Kathy is taking a waiting list. To be put on the list contact Kathy at nanwolfe88@yahoo.com or 482-0424.
Summer hikes (June, July & August) are due by May 15 to pfounta1@nycap.rr.com or Gayle Fountain at 371-8585.