Saturday, December 1: Fifth Peak, near Bolton Landing NY
This is a relatively strenuous hike of approximately 5 miles
RT with 1500’ ascent. The reward is wonderful views of Lake George’s eastern
shore and the Lake itself. There is a lean-to that will shelter us while we eat
lunch. Meeting place will be Northway Exit 9 Park and Ride at 8:45 AM.
CONTACT: Sharon Bonk,, Email
preferred as I will be away 11/26-30. If you want to contact me by phone,
use my cell number 917-864-7437.
LENGTH: Approximately 5 miles round-trip.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 100 miles
Tuesday, December 11: Henning
Preserve, Providence, NY
Henning Preserve is a 604-acre Preserve in Saratoga County,
which boasts 5 miles of trails that traverse through mature evergreen forest,
pond overlooks, civil war-era foundations and more. Hike or snowshoe at relaxed pace. Contact Susan for details.
CONTACT: Susan Roberts at 766-4170.
LENGTH: To be determined.
ROAD DISTANCE: Meeting place to be
Saturday, December 15: Hopkins Forest, Upper and Lower Loops,
Williamstown, MA
This will be a late fall hike. If there is lots of snow it
can be a snow shoe trip. We will park at the entry to Hopkins Forest and meet
at the Rosenburg Center 10AM. The trip can be 1.5 miles (lower loop) or 3.9
mile doing both upper and lower loops. The Rosenburg Center is open and heated.
For map and more details go to
LENGTH: 1.5 to 3.9 miles.
ROAD DISTANCE: Depends on your
departure point.
Tuesday, December 18: Cook Mountain and preserves around Lake
George, NY
Cook Mountain Preserve is near Ticonderoga. We will take
snowshoes if conditions permit. The trail to the summit is about a mile long,
moderately difficult and climbs steeply through mixed hardwood forest. The
summit has an expan-sive view of northern Lake George. When we finish this
hike/snowshoe, we will decide if we want to do another hike in the area. Please
be prepared for winter conditions.
LENGTH: To be determined.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 160
miles round-trip.
Thursday, January 3: Spruce Mountain, Saratoga, NY
This will be a moderate climb to a restored fire tower north
of Saratoga Springs. Snowshoe hike at moderate pace. Please be prepared for
winter conditions.
LENGTH: 2.2 miles with a fire tower at the
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 40 miles
Wednesday January 9: Mausert's Pond Clarksburg State Forest,
Clarksburg, Mass.
Hike or snowshoe a three-mile loop at a relaxed pace. If one
bridge is still under water we will bushwhack around it. If there is sufficient
time and interest, those who wish may stop at MASS MOCA. Contact Susan for
CONTACT: Susan Roberts at 766-4170.
LENGTH: Approximately 3 miles.
ROAD DISTANCE: To be determined by
meeting place
Sunday, January 13: Open house at Tony Eldering’s, Altamont,
This will be a potluck get together after a hike/snowshoe/ski
at a nearby location. The hike will depart at noon, but please arrive by 11:30
a.m. if you are going to hike so that we can select a hike and be ready to
leave by noon. The choices for the hike are Thacher State Park, Emma Treadwell
Thacher Nature Center, Tawasentha Park or
Western Turnpike Golf Course. All are 15 minutes from my
place. Food will be served at 3:00 p.m. Please contact Tony by January 7th with
your pot-luck offering. My address is 402 Kelly Circle, Altamont, NY 12009, but
it will not show up on your GPS! Type in 136 Brandle Road, Altamont and you
will get here.
LENGTH: To be determined by group.
ROAD DISTANCE: Your house to
Wednesday, January 16: XC Skiing, Leaders Choice
Snow conditions will determine whether we go to Pine Ridge in
East Poestenskill or to Notchview Reservation in Windsor MA. The latter had
great snow in early January last year! Both are fee areas, have warming huts,
and a place to stow your gear and eat your lunch. Contact Sharon for details.
LENGTH: To be determined.
ROAD DISTANCE: To Notchview, approximately
85 miles round-trip from Schodack Park and Ride.
Saturday, January 19: Winter
Festival, Grafton Lakes State Park, Grafton, NY
A full day of outdoor winter activities, including a X-C
skiing trek with THC's Rob Bayly. The club will also be hosting a information
booth at the main building and could use a few volunteers to help get the word
out about the Taconic Hiking Club and the Taconic Crest Trail.
R.J. Hydorn @ 283-6056 or for THC info or GLSP at 279-1155
for complete list of the day's events.
Depends on your choice of activity.
Your house to GLSP.
Wednesday, January 23: Dyken Pond Snowshoe or Hike, Grafton,
We can explore 6 miles of trails by using the interlacing
loops. With fresh snow we will find many animal tracks. No significant
elevation gain except on the drive up to Dyken Rd.
LENGTH: To be determined.
ROAD DISTANCE: To be determined by
meeting place.
Saturday, February 2: Hopkins Forest, Ford Glen Brook/Hoosic
River, Williamsown MA
This is a snow shoe outing. We will park at the entry to
Hop-kins Forest 10AM, head east on Ford Glen trail (0.3 miles) to the Hoosic
River Trail (1.0 miles).
This is an out and back trip. If people are interested we can
go into town to the Purple Pub for lunch. For more map details go to
LENGTH: Approximately 2.6 miles.
ROAD DISTANCE: Depends on your
departure point.
Sunday, February 3: Botheration Pond, North River, NY.
This six to eight mile loop was described in the Adirondack
Explorer as a novice ski trip. It isn't. There are short, steep, narrow
stretches, with trees on the path. I plan this as a snowshoe trip, the woods
are lovely. Contact Susan for time and meeting place.
CONTACT: Susan Roberts at 766-4170.
LENGTH: To be determined.
ROAD DISTANCE: Meeting place to be
Sunday, February 10: X-C Skiing at Grafton Lakes State Park,
Grafton, NY
Approximately 4 mile loop using Spruce Bog Trail with a break
for an optional walk up to the fire tower, continuing on part of the Long Pond
Trail. Some hills, mostly forest and fire road. Skiing is dependent on the
depth of snow. No groomed tracks. We may have to remove skis in some spots.
Snowshoe or hike in the park may be an option if we can’t ski.
LENGTH: To be determined.
ROAD DISTANCE: To be determined by
meeting place.
Friday, February 15, Spring Activities Due for March, April
and May
Time to send in your bike rides, hikes or kayak trips for our
spring schedule. Let’s make this our busiest spring ever!
LENGTH: You decide.
Wednesday, February 20: Harvey Mountain and Pinnacle Point
This makes for a shorter but lovely winter snowshoe outing
not too far away. The trail to Harvey Mountain's 2065' open summit area has
some good steep spots over 1.5 miles, with 800' vertical. We'll check out the
Mass/NYS border marker, savor the views south, west, and north, and then
continue down the roadway 1 mile to the start of the Pinna-cle Point Trail,
which in another 1.5 miles of ups and downs and views west out over Austerlitz
to New York state leads back to the trailhead.
CONTACT: Karen Ross at 794-7474 or or Dona Burdick 413: 717-1665 or
LENGTH: 4 miles with app.1000’ vertical
Contact Karen or Dona for details.
Saturday, February 23: Berlin Mountain from Petersburgh Pass
Snowshoe or hike.. This is a hike along the Taconic Crest
Trail about an hour east of Albany. 7 miles round trip with 1500 feet elevation
gain. Moderate difficulty. Open summit with good views to the west.
LENGTH: About 7 miles round-trip.
ROAD DISTANCE: Approximately 60
miles round-trip
Taconic Hiking Club Motto for 2013: