A Happy Earth Day Poem-Click Photos to Enlarge

Labels: Fred Schroeder on Jay Peak, Meditating on Rocky and hiking the Saddleback Range on the AT
Taconic Hiking Club members welcome applicants interested in nature study, hiking, backpacking, camping, cycling, canoe/kayaking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, trail maintenance and Tanglewood. Activities are listed in our newsletter and generally take place in, but are not limited to, the area surrounding Capital District. Contact:THC, 30 Upper Flat Rock Road, Delmar NY 12054-5228. Annual dues are $10. To view the current THC BLOG pages, search: http://taconichikingclub.blogspot.com/
Labels: Fred Schroeder on Jay Peak, Meditating on Rocky and hiking the Saddleback Range on the AT
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