Dyken Pond Center will host a day-long workshop on lake ecology: August 22nd from 9 to 4, $25
Lake Ecology Workshop
Dyken Pond Center
With David Hunt
Grafton, NY – Want to get more than your feet wet? Spend a day studying lake ecology as a scientist. The workshop will be held August 22 from 9 am to 4pm at Dyken Pond Center and will focus on Dyken Pond as an ecological community, with a strong emphasis on its plants and animals, including some rare species in Rensselaer County. We will also study physical aspects of the lake, including lake zones, water chemistry, temperature, and substrate types. A sample plot, water measurements, and species identification will present opportunities for hands-on activities and up-close observations. The program will conclude by pulling together information on historic changes in the lake that have led to its current condition, ways to monitor trends in the lake, and various options for management of the lake to help maintain or restore its features.
Dr. David Hunt is a professional ecologist and botanist with extensive experience in aquatic communities and intimate knowledge of the ecology of the Rensselaer Plateau.
Bring a lunch, footwear that you don’t mind getting wet, and, if you have them, a mask and snorkel. The fee for the session is $25 for the day, $20 for members. Please call the Center at 658-2055, or email dykenpond@fairpoint.net as pre-registration is required for this event.
Dyken Pond Center is a Rensselaer County park located in the town of Grafton, open daily during daylight hours for fishing, non-motor boating, hiking, and nature study. Call the Center or visit www.dykenpond.org for directions and a complete schedule of our summer events.
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